West Willow, a neighborhood, where both the old and young call home.

Generations Together cultivates a community in which older adults and youth can find common ground, age gracefully together, and embrace opportunities to reshape their lives and neighborhood by connecting with one another.

Check out our interactive neighborhood map to see local resources and happenings.

What We Do

We offer progams designed to bridge the gap between older and younger generations. These programs are centered around the idea of community, and making the West Willow neighborhood a positive place for everyone.

Join Us

Ready to join and help shape the future of aging in West Willow? Participate in one of our programs, contribute to our cause, or become a volunteer.

Intergenerational Connections

Are ties that bind us to the past and the future. They make strong communities. Both the old and young are essential to each other for planting seeds that grow into compassionate people and relationships.

Thank You!

Featured artist: Jorain Stewart for some of the artwork on this website.